Latest additions

01.12.24 – nick

2 Patterns

30.11.24 – Danny

2 Patterns

21.11.24 – Danny

1 Download, 1 Header, 5 Pngs, 1 Texture

16.11.24 – Danny

2 Downloads, 1 Png


Here we are again!

nick's Profile Picture
We're excited to share that we're back—earlier than planned! We just couldn't wait any longer. We've restored most of the old content from 2016-2018 and added some fresh updates along the way. A few of you have reached out to us asking about the return of our old scripts, and we're happy to say that yes, we're...

Melanie Falltinez

Danny's Profile Picture
Melanie Martinez fell during the song "contortionist" in Hamurg! Sadly I did not film it, but there are multiple videos on tiktok already. I thought she was gonna pause the show, but she kept going. Also a 10'ish y/o boy next to me has been screaming his lungs out. Poor mama, who went with him LOL

Our first post!

nick's Profile Picture
After six years, we're finally back—and it feels great! This blog post is a little sneak peek before we officially launch, but I just couldn't wait to say hello. We'll officially return on our anniversary, November 6.