Oh, the weather outside is frightful

..and Designfreaks is so delightful! 🎄
We wish you all a peaceful holiday season, minimal stress, and a safe start to 2025! Remember, the earlier you start working on your New Year's resolutions, the longer you can enjoy the results! Do you have any resolutions at all? 🎁
I think my New Years resolution has always been: PET MORE DOGS! And having something simple like that helps a lot. Either way, let's hope that 2025 is better for both of us. Wanna be affiliates?
14.12.24 4:19 am
I just hope that I'll be happier in 2025 ;D
05.12.24 1:54 pm
Hallo Danny und Nick,
meine Vorsätze? Puhh, gute Frage. Meistens nehme ich mir was vor und halte mich dann eh nicht daran. xD Also geht es mir wie Nick.
Eure Arbeit hat sich gelohnt. Ich mag das Design :) Es ist so schlicht und doch so professionell.
@Nick: Ich habe auf deinen Kommentar auf meinem Blog geantwortet. :)
Ich hoffe, ihr hattet einen schönen 1. Advent :)
Liebe Grüße, Anja
02.12.24 5:00 pm
i've never been one for new year's resolutions. why start the year with a list of things i'm definitely going to fail at by february? ✨
working on the christmas design together was so much fun—and i really love how it turned out! ☺️
01.12.24 7:11 pm