Simplify Loginbase


Simplify is a flexible and modular login script designed for easy user authentication and management. The modular system makes it easy to add more features as you need.


- Added an option to turn off the TinyMCE editor.
- Added the option to change the password on the Edit Profile page.
- Implemented a Dark Mode setting
- Added an Accent Color setting to allow customization of the default blue color in the admin theme.
- Added pagination settings for easier customization of arrows and the div wrapper.

- Improved query string handling in functions.php by sanitizing individual parameters and ensuring valid ports.
- Added versioning support to enable updates through the updater.

Initial release.


This requires PHP version 8.0 or higher. Please update the PHP version in your web hosting settings before uploading this script!


Simplify is a flexible and modular login script designed for easy user authentication and management. It includes features such as:

- User Registration:
Allow users to register and log in.

- Responsive Admin Panel 
Manage your site from anywhere with a fully mobile-responsive admin panel.

- Role-Based Permissions:
Control access to different parts of your site.

- Multi-User Support:
Manage multiple users.

- Extensibility:
Add new features by including modules (similar to plugins).

- No Database Required:
Stores user data in flat files, making it easy to set up and use.


Installation Steps:

1. Upload Files: 
    Upload all files to your web server.

2. Access Admin Panel: 
    Navigate to /simplify in your browser. This will be your admin panel where you can manage users and settings.

3. Register an Account: 
    Register a new user account. Once registered, you're ready to start using Simplify.

If they don't already exist, Simplify will generate basic header.php and footer.php files in the same location as your index.php and profile.php when you first open it in your browser.

These files serve as examples for how to integrate Simplify into your theme. They contain the necessary functions and hooks to ensure modules can properly add their assets, such as stylesheets, scripts, etc.


Extending Simplify

Simplify's modular system makes it easy to add more features as you need. If you want to add new functionality, just add additional modules, and they will automatically integrate into your system.

You can find more modules here at

If you have any questions, need help with the installation or run into issues, feel free to reach out to us at We're happy to help!


IMPORTANT: Manually add Simplify Module support to your existing design

If they don't already exist, Simplify will generate basic header.php and footer.php files in the same location as your index.php and profile.php when you first open it in your browser. 

These files serve as examples for how to integrate Simplify into your theme. They contain the necessary functions and hooks to ensure modules can properly add their assets, such as stylesheets, scripts, etc.

To manually add support for the Simplify Modules to your existing design, add these lines to your <head></head> section:

// Render assets
if (method_exists('AssetsManager', 'renderAssets')) echo AssetsManager::renderAssets('header');

// Render SEO meta tags
if (isset($blog) && is_object($blog) && method_exists($blog, 'renderMetaTags')) $blog->renderMetaTags($metaTags);

// Add FontAwesome stylesheet
if (class_exists('ModuleLoader') && method_exists('ModuleLoader', 'getSetting') && ModuleLoader::getSetting('Default', 'addFontAwesome')): ?>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<?php endif; ?>

And this right before the </body>

<?php if (method_exists('AssetsManager', 'renderAssets')) echo AssetsManager::renderAssets('footer'); ?>