
We create resources using our own images and sketches, as well as stock images from Unsplash and Pixabay. Before using our content, please read and accept the following terms:

You are free to: Adapt
Remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Under the following terms

- For our resources and templates, attribution is not required but greatly appreciated.
- For our premade designs and scripts, attribution is mandatory, as these were created with considerable effort. Please link back to our site.

— Our content may not be used for commercial purposes. While some of our content may be available on other platforms that permit commercial use, those rules do not apply here.

No Redistribution
— Redistribution of our content is not allowed unless you have made significant modifications that justify the redistribution. Simple edits, such as combining, recoloring, or cropping, do not qualify.

Last updated 15.10.2024
Changes made: Improved readability. The terms remain the same.