Simplify Updater Module
Easily update all your installed modules with the Updater.---
Added a check if allow_url_fopen is enabled.
Initial release.
This module is designed for use with Simplify and cannot function on its own. Please ensure that the Simplify Loginbase is installed first.
This requires PHP version 7.4 or higher. Please update the PHP version in your web hosting settings before uploading this script!
Notice: This module won't work on Bplaced because Bplaced has disabled the allow_url_fopen PHP function, which prevents the updater from retrieving the latest update information.
Installation Steps:
1. Upload Files:
Upload all files and folders to your web server.
2. Ensure All Files Are Properly Uploaded:
It is crucial to make sure that all files and folders have been successfully uploaded. Some web hosts have been known to occasionally miss certain files (e.g., the settings folder). To avoid any issues, manually check the contents of the modules folder to verify that all required files and subfolders are in place.
3. Access Admin Panel:
Navigate to /simplify and click on Updates.