About Danny

31 October 1995
Bad Pyrmont
Around 2007, back when "Knuddels" was a big thing in Germany, there was a feature that allowed you to build your own Homepage. They all had the same layout, but some other websites offered Premade Designs for them, which inspired me to make them myself & so the passion for building my own website began.
spooky season, bubble tea, pizza, youtube premium, staying up at night, festivals, concerts
spiders, brussel sprout, comic sans, crowded places, the pringles can size, winter
TV Shows:Movies:
Music artists:
Other interests:
getting lost for hours on end watching TikTok or Instagram reels
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Latest Status Updates
1 month ago
starting my weightloss journey 2.0 - imagine me not having a yoyo effect afterwards this time. LMAO
1 month ago
i was at my dads house yesterday and i had to go there by TRAIN. ugh. did NOT miss the smell of sweat and desperation.
2 months ago
i got my walking pad out and did 6.000 steps while watching Drag Race. also did 2 hours of duolingo in the morning. what a sunday LMAO
2 months ago
rewatching a letsplay of "rule of rose".. it's just that good. also love "track 11" from the soundtrackkkk
2 months ago
okay, so my dioptres have worsened by -0.75 on both eyes and I am officially blind as a bat 🦇 thinking about getting them lasered...