Danny 🌻 11 hours ago
so i ordered flowers on the internet which got sent to me today.. let me just say that: support your local flower shop.
nick ✏️ 14 hours ago
replaced statuscafe with our own system and fixed a unicode bug in the database. if you find any bugs, please let us know! 👀

Our new fun corner

Danny's Profile Picture

Hello everybody 👋🏻 Nick and I have been thinking about adding a "fun corner" to our website for a while now, where we upload some fun scripts or some interactive stuff. If you have any suggestions, please let us know in our wishlist. For now we have the stamp maker, which was on my other website already and also added a countdown script, where you can add a date and then copy the code to your website! 😊 Enjoyy! xoxo

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Comments (2)

Loving the Fun Corner!!

10.01.25 10:28 am

I'm curious about the "fun corner" will entail but I'm all ears for what it could be or what you're thinking it should be. I hope you had a great NYE!

07.01.25 11:50 pm